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Setting Clients on a Path to Financial Success

Carolyn Secor, P.A. has years of experience delivering outstanding bankruptcy and foreclosure assistance to clients living in Hillsborough County, FL & across Tampa Bay. Bankruptcy law doesn’t have to be complicated. Instead, our legal team aims to make the process easier for our clients by guiding them toward financial independence. Debt has devastating impacts on your overall financial health, from preventing homeownership to making it challenging to rent an apartment or home. For individuals and families in dire straits, bankruptcy proceedings are the best path forward. Fortunately, there are options.


Defeat Debt and Foreclosure Attempts for Good

Debt and foreclosure are life-altering events, but they aren’t permanent. With the assistance of a skilled attorney, you can secure the future you’ve always imagined. Throughout Hillsborough County, FL, some families and individuals have experienced and defeated debt. We use a variety of methods to help our clients out of their situations. In addition to our credit repair services, which help prevent bankruptcy and foreclosures, we assist with Chapters 7 and 13 bankruptcies and defend clients against foreclosure attempts. The first thing you need to do is schedule an appointment with our bankruptcy and foreclosure attorney. Using your documentation of your situation, we’ll recommend the best solution for your case:

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a standard legal tool to help people erase most, if not all, of their unsecured debts, which include credit card and medical debt. Chapter 7 bankruptcy enables debtors to repossess certain belongings within a set of guidelines established during the proceedings. However, many clients never yield their possessions.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

As with Chapter 7 bankruptcy, this technique helps clients gain financial security by erasing debts. However, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is different from Chapter 7 bankruptcy. It is a payment-based plan. As a result, clients must have a job and steady income to make payments, which are due over three to five years. For some clients, this is the preferred method because it forgoes property repossession in favor of negotiated payments.

Foreclosure Attorney

Across Central Florida and Tampa Bay, families deal with the uncertainty and stress associated with foreclosure. But you should know one thing: Your lenders do not hold all the cards, and they are often willing to negotiate to let you keep your house. Our team works directly with banks and other lenders to mediate friendlier mortgages. We can combine bankruptcy with this service.

We Can Help You Achieve Success

At Carolyn Secor, PA, we emphasize compassion and a diligent approach to bankruptcy law at all times. At Carolyn Secor, P.A., we pride ourselves on our ability to utilize the legal tools available to help clients attain the success and security they desire. We guide you through complicated processes, helping you obtain and fill out the required documents, meet court deadlines, and stay ahead of the curve. Eventually, with a little work, you’ll find yourself debt-free and ready to start anew. We serve Tampa Bay, Brandon, Riverview, Plant City, Temple Terrace, Town ‘n’ Country, Lutz, Citrus Park, Westchase, and more.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation

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    Client Review

    “Ms Secor and Sam were with me during a very dark time. They helped me through a mess I made by trying to do this on my own. She was extremely knowledgeable and had my best interest in mind. Thank you very much!!!”
    Kellie Almond
    Client Review