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Bankruptcy lawyer Newport Richey FL

Bankruptcy lawyer Newport Richey FL - money on table with gavelThere are different reasons, as to why bankruptcy can happen.  For example; one of the main reasons why someone may need to file for bankruptcy is because they have not paid a loan that they borrowed for their business.  When this happens, and people have a specific time frame to pay back their loan, there can be consequences that arise, if one does not pay back a loan, within a given timeframe.  Sometimes, an employer may even have to file for bankruptcy as well. However, this is not just an issue for employers, since homeowners can also deal with issues, in which they need to file for bankruptcy as well.  An example of ths, would be borrowing a loan, in order to pay off on a house.  However, not paying back that loan on time, could lead to debt, which could also lead to filing for bankruptcy as well.  Now; what a bankruptcy lawyer in Newport Richey FL could do, is aid in assisting with getting people out of bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy lawyer Newport Richey FL

Like any type of bankruptcy lawyer, there should be a strong focus on the bigger picture, as to why someone might be struggling financially. For example; one of the aspects that Carolyn Secor, P.A. focuses on whether or not someone may be in a state of debt, because they ended up buying a house that had a home loan on it, and they did not know.  These are the factors that businesses should look into, when it comes to bankruptcy lawyer work.  Moreover, when it comes to contacting a bankruptcy lawyer and explaining the situation, these are some of the questions that will be asked and focused on as well. 

Putting Florida Bankruptcy Laws to Work for You

At the law office of Carolyn Secor, P.A., our attorneys help thousands of people every year take advantage of their rights under bankruptcy protection to restart, rebuild and recover. We are working-class lawyers helping working-class people find solutions to escape overwhelming debt and get back on track.

We exclusively handle bankruptcy and foreclosure cases, and we have built a proud reputation across Central Florida as an effective and reliable advocate for clients from all walks of life. When you work with our firm, you work directly with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer who will be there to answer your questions and guide you through all phases of your case.

You have options. You have rights. You have the choice to take back control of your financial future. Contact us for a free consultation.


Bankruptcy Laws Are Designed to Protect You

If you are facing financial challenges that seem overwhelming, it is important to understand that you are not alone. We work with many clients every year in the New Port Richey area who are facing crushing debt, foreclosure and a financial situation that seems completely unmanageable.

Our law firm is built on the driving principle of helping people get out from under creditor harassment and suffocating debt. We walk you through every step of your Chapter 7, Chapter 13 or small business bankruptcy.

We help you:

  • Understand how bankruptcy works
  • Know how bankruptcy impacts your property and wealth
  • Get the answers to your bankruptcy questions
  • Chart a plan for your future after bankruptcy
  • Take action to restore your financial health

Bankruptcy laws are designed to protect debtors. At the end of your bankruptcy, you should be better positioned to move forward and have the tools you need to succeed. We will help you get started understanding what your first steps are, or you can contact us any time to discuss your situation with a lawyer.

Bankruptcy Eligibility

The federal government passed new bankruptcy reform legislation in October 2005. However, don’t be discouraged! Most studies indicate that the new law affects less than 15% of individuals who could have filed previously. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your debts and considering filing bankruptcy, it is highly probable that you fall into the category of the 85 percent of people who are still eligible to file.

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    Client Review

    “Ms Secor and Sam were with me during a very dark time. They helped me through a mess I made by trying to do this on my own. She was extremely knowledgeable and had my best interest in mind. Thank you very much!!!”
    Kellie Almond
    Client Review