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A Reliable Florida Bankruptcy Lawyer

Who Can Help You Keep Your Home, End Debt and Pay Bills!

At Carolyn Secor, P.A, we have represented individuals and business debtors in Chapter 11 reorganization cases.

You came to us because you are struggling financially, you’ve probably tried everything and are afraid you’ll lose your home, your car and other possessions. You may be deep in credit card debt and don’t know the way out. You are finally at a point of needing to find a solution, so you can move on toward a solvent future. Rest assured, you’ve come to the right place and you are not alone. In 2011, over a million Americans had the same money problems and chose to file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in order to make a new start. As your bankruptcy attorneys, we will help you make a new beginning too. Call us now to discuss your options. Always a free consultation with an attorney.

If you live in Palm Harbor, our office is just down the street. Give us a call and set an appointment today.

Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation

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    Client Review

    “Ms Secor and Sam were with me during a very dark time. They helped me through a mess I made by trying to do this on my own. She was extremely knowledgeable and had my best interest in mind. Thank you very much!!!”
    Kellie Almond
    Client Review